Connect with WPForms

Simplify Ticket Creation via
WPForms Integration

Customizable templates
Seamless Form-to-Ticket Conversion

Design and configure forms using WPForms the way you want and automatically turn every submission into support tickets.

All in one
Advanced Forms for Ticket Creation

Transform advanced WPForms submissions into support tickets, including custom fields and conditional logic with easy access to all tailored information on the ticket page.

A safe and efficient platform
Centralized Support Management

Manage support requests from multiple WooCommerce sites in one place, simplifying your workflow.

Key Benefits of SupportGenix with WPForms

Email-to-ticket conversion (Email Piping)

Support Genix Overview
Support Genix Overview

Automate Ticket Creation with Webhooks

Get Started with WPForms Integration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)