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WPForms Integration

If you use the WPForms plugin and want to convert the form submission to a ticket, then you can do this in two ways

  • By using Email to Ticket (Email Piping)
  • By using Incoming Webhook.

To use Email to the ticket, follow the Email Piping article. To use Incoming Webhook, follow the instructions below. Note that you may require the pro version of the WPForms plugin to use the incoming webhook.

In this article, we will use a sample form like the screenshot below and show you how to integrate this with Support Genix.

Sample Contact Form
Sample Contact Form

Step 1: Go to WPForms > All Forms > Edit Form

Click Edit Form

Step 2: Enable and Activate Webhook from WPForms Form Setting

Enable and Activate Webhook from WPForms Form Setting

Step 3: Create Custom Fields from Support Genix > Custom Field

In the sample form, fields are Name, Email, Phone, Brand, System/Platform, OS, Subject, Message/Description.

In Support Genix, Defaul fields are Email, First Name, Last Name, Ticket Category, Message/Description. Phone, Brand, Platform, and OS are custom fields. So we need to create these custom fields on Support Genix > Custom Field

Create Custom Fields from Support Genix

Edit Custom Field

Step 4: From Support Genix > Incoming Webhook > Add New Webhook

Add a Title, Enable the status and Press Save.

Edit Incoming Webhook

Step 5: Go to WPForms > All Forms > Edit Form > Webhook > Add the Webhook

Add Webhook

For the custom Fields, use the key this way ticket_custom_fields__custom_field_slug,

For a brand, ticket_custom_fields__brand
For Phone, ticket_custom_fields__user_phone

The keys brand, user_phone were used to create custom fields in Support Genix.

For the Ticket Category, use this key ticket_category_id and get the ID from Support Genix > Ticket Category

Support Genix Ticket Category

Step 6: Press Save > Go to Form Page > Fill The Form and Test where the ticket generates.